Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini : 1. The sources and historical background 2. Ibn qutaybah's refutation of allegations of solecism, contradiction and ambiguity in the verses of the qur'an 3. Ibn qutaybah's treatment of the phenomena of figurative language 4. Ibn qutaybah's treatment of ambiguous letters, words and particles in the verses of the qur'an
Contents this is a book : DR. Lawrence B. Brown; Ten Degress of Guidance (1); Ten Degress of Guidance (2); Ten Degress of Guidance (3); Ten Degress of Guidance (4); The use of Rerepetition in the Qur'an (1); The use of Rerepetition in the Qur'an (2); The use of Rerepetition in the Qur'an (3); The use of Rerepetition in the Qur'an (4); The use of Rerepetition in the Qur'an (5); Why are you Musli…
Buku ini berisi tentang : 1. Historical background 2. Judicial background
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini : 1. Pendahuluan 2. Kandungan buku 3. Kandungan buku 4. Roh (ruh) termasuk rahasua Allah 5. Arti wajh (wajah) dalam al-qur'an 6. Keterngan tentang ayat 45-46 surah al-Baqarah 7. Arti kata sabr dalam al-qur'an 8. Penggunaan ism al-fa'il dan ism al-fa'ul 9. Sebab turunya ayat 183 dari surah al-baqarah 10 Arti k…